This is another tip in our series of one-minute videos aimed at delivering quick ideas you can use to make your life a little easier if you have aphasia. Things are a little different for Aphasia Awareness Month. All of our videos this month are one-minute actions you can take to practice speech from home. In fact, this was one of our One Aphasia Action tips from this past spring.


In this tip, we teach you a game you can play to practice speech daily.


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The Category Game

Take out a piece of paper, load a blank screen, or pick up your recorder (in other words, use whatever communication form you want to practice at the moment, whether it is writing, typing, or speaking).


Put a single word at the top — or speak a single word — such as “food.” Now start listing examples of food. Can’t get to ten examples? Go into the kitchen and peer into the pantry. Name what you see.


Try this with other categories: clothing, furniture, things that are green.


In fact, try to think up a new category every morning. You can list words while you walk, or try to find examples as you move through your day.


This is just one thing you can do to practice speech from the comfort of your own home.


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