We’re continuing with our affiliate highlight series, this time turning our eye to Neuro Therapy Nashville in Nashville, Tennessee.
Learn What Makes Neuro Therapy Nashville Unique
S.A.S.S.(y) This is one of our support groups and the vibe of our practice! It stands for Seriously Awesome Stroke Survivors. We offer specialized programs tailored to stroke and brain injury with a very positive attitude, hopeful vibe, and expectation for recovery. We take a very patient-centered and holistic approach in our therapies.
Here Are Some of the Services They Offer
We only treat adults with neurological conditions. Our PT and OT are neuro specialists with extensive experience and training. Our ST also specializes in aphasia and voice.
Some of our unique programs include massage, yoga therapy, caregiver support, vision rehab, and music therapy — all with neuro specialists. We will work with patients in the clinic, at their homes, at a coffee shop, or even a grocery store. We also offer telehealth PT, OT, and ST state-wide throughout TN.
We have a few support groups that are designed specifically for people in our community (in the greater Nashville and surrounding areas) They are:
- S.A.S.S. which is a group that (pre-pandemic) would meet out in the community. It’s a great way to network with other survivors and caregivers. Seriously Awesome Stroke Survivors also has a private FB group but is limited to local Nashville families, caregivers, medical professionals, and other friends.
- Caregiver support group: Is also limited to our local families and caregivers. This group expands beyond stroke to include any caregivers of neurological injury.
- B.I.S.O.N.: Brain Injury Survivors of Nashville. This is on an online platform on FB to connect local survivors, caregivers, family, and friends of TBI.
They Have Great Success Stories
I think it’s important to never stop working. Don’t believe that recovery stops after 3 months, 6 months, or even a year! Neuroplasticity is REAL. We are here to use it and build new pathways at Neuro Therapy Nashville.
We currently have a young woman who is about 9 years out from her stroke. She was a freshman in college when she had it — studying to be a screenwriter. Her stroke left her with very dense aphasia — both receptive and expressive. She could not say her name. She would say “yes” when she meant “no”. She did not have access to words to express herself or communicate her basic needs.
Last week, she auditioned for a movie. She read and memorized a script and performed on camera! Her continuous hard work and our expectations that something like this was even possible continue to shape our future together. We’ve learned so much from her, and can’t wait to see what’s next!
The Pandemic Changed a Few Things…
We started telehealth in February of 2021, and we have continued with great success! We have returned to in-person services full time as well, leaving the option to do telehealth up to individual clients based on need, proximity, and other factors.
They Specifically Offer
Services specifically for people with primary progressive aphasia
Support groups or counseling specifically for caregivers
Online discussion groups, support groups, events, or online one-on-one therapy
More Information
Do you live in the Nashville, Tennessee area? Contact the Neuro Therapy Nashville for speech services and support groups.
The NAA is highlighting our affiliates to connect people with aphasia and caregivers to their services and to celebrate the amazing work they’re doing.