If you’ve ever attended one of our Aphasia Cafe chats, you know that we love to ask questions. We ask them when you sign up, and we run polls during the chat. The reason is simple: It gives everyone a chance to have their voice heard and participate in the discussion topic, especially when communication is difficult. By clicking a box or two, people who participate in our questions participate in the conversation.
We wanted to expand this project to our site to loop in people who may not be able or want to attend the chats. We find these questions provide an interesting snapshot of our community and bring more people into the conversation. Moreover, the results spark conversation. Do the majority of people share your opinion? How does your experience of aphasia overlap with people around you? It’s interesting to hear how many people feel the same way you do.
Each month, we’ll introduce a short series of questions to take a snapshot of the community. Unless noted, these questions are for people with aphasia. If you are a caregiver or professional, we hope you pass along these questions to the people with aphasia in your life. Fill out the questions together, or encourage the people with aphasia in your life to add their voice to the discussion. This additional way to communicate makes everyone part of the conversation.
Each question set will be open for a few weeks, and then close to new answers. At that time, we’ll release the results in a blog post and a downloadable PDF so people can talk about this community snapshot. These are not meant to be scientific research but merely a way to take the community’s pulse and collect ideas around a situation.
Ready to jump into the first Aphasia Snapshot and share your thoughts?
Aphasia Snapshot: Community Connection
This is a topic that we covered a year ago, so the results will be extra interesting because we can look back at the answers that came from our chat, too.
We want to know if you know other people (beyond yourself) with aphasia, whether you think it’s important to connect with others in a similar situation, and where you’ve met other people with aphasia. Fill out the question set below one time only before March 19 at 3 pm ET. We’ll be back on March 25 with the community results.