One Aphasia Action is a set of small, actionable activities you can do from home that will help you retain speech progress.
Psychologist Dr. Gail Matthews discovered that people are 42% more likely to achieve goals that they write down. In other words, plans = progress.
Today, you’re going to set yourself up for success by making a connection plan. The goal is to use FaceTime, Skype, Zoom, or other video call software to connect with others. Seeing another person’s face aids communication AND lifts your spirit.
So make plans with other individuals and set a time and day for video conversations. That plan is important, and that is your task for today. Double points if you also hold a video call today. You can connect with family members, friends, community members, support group participants, or neighbors.
You can find all of the One Aphasia Action activities on this list. This works best if you start on Day 1 and work at your own pace, even if you’re finding this project long after April 1st. Try every activity, even if you only do it once. Keep doing the activities you like, repeating them the next day along with the new activity, and drop the ones that don’t work for you.