I am still young

I still have lot of things that I can do in my life

I am not confined in one corner of the room

I am enjoying what life will offer.

I am not just sitting down doing nothing

I am not just doing people watching

I am not just spending my time in noisy places.

I am a warrior

I have battalion of family members & friends cheering-up

I am an Auditor

I have recommendations or solutions for any issues or problems.

I had Stroke

I was diagnosed of Aphasia in August 5, 2013

I still have hundreds of battles to fight

I still have million miles to my journey with Aphasia.

I am learning to read and write

I am learning to understand numbers

I am struggling communicating that takes up all my energy.

You have no idea how difficult language is for me

Never judge me by how I look or sound

Despite Aphasia, I have happy life with perfect imperfection.

In God’s grace,

Ruby P. Payawal

Email: rpayawal@msn.com

“APHASIA is a condition, usually acquired as a result of stroke or other brain injury, which impairs the ability to use or comprehend words, but does not affect intelligence” – Aphasia Bill of Rights National Aphasia Association