We are officially six weeks from Night of Aphasia Arts 2023 (March 7, 2023, at 7 pm ET). And there is under one month to go to the submission deadline (February 17, 2023). What are you waiting for? Start creating!
We loved the variety of art at the fall event. There were collages created during an aphasia support group and choir performances by people with aphasia. There were simple videos recorded in a backyard and professionally edited Zoom songs.
Any artistic expression is welcome and celebrated as part of the Night of Aphasia Arts. It’s a chance to creatively express yourself, like this poetic song from Mark Harder from the Mid-Atlantic Aphasia Conference:
Whether you write poetry, sing in a chorus, play guitar, sew stuffed animals, paint murals, or dance in your living room, we want to see what you create because your art shows us how you see the world.
What Is Night of Aphasia Arts 2023?
The Night of Aphasia Arts is a free online gala on March 7, 2023, from 7 pm to 8:30 pm ET. It features recorded performances (musical, theater, dance, or poetry) and gives you a sneak peek into our password-protected art space where you can see visual art, photography, or written poetry — all created by people with aphasia.
How Do I Attend?
You do not need to submit art to attend. Just come and watch if you do not want to submit art.
You do need to RSVP for the event.
You will be sent a unique Zoom link and a few reminders for the event.
You only need to RSVP once to receive the Zoom link. We hope you can join us for a fun and meaningful evening. You can submit your art even if you cannot attend the event. (Keep reading below about submissions.) We are recording the event, and people who RSVP will receive an early link to the recording as well as any last-minute information for the event itself.
Submit Your Art
We want to see your creativity.
Use our simple form to submit your art, either as an individual or group.
Performance videos should be about three minutes long, and they must be under five minutes. Written poetry should be submitted as a PDF or the words pasted into an email, and visual art or photography can be submitted as a PNG or JPG file. You do not need to attend the event to have your art featured.
The categories:
- Music (group performance or alone – instrumental or singing)
- Theater (monologue or short scene)
- Dance (group performance or alone)
- Poetry (spoken word performance or submitted in written form)
- Visual Art (painting, sculpture, printmaking, graphic design)
- Photography
Please follow the instructions on the form to hit submit and email your piece directly. Each piece needs its own entry on the form. If you submit more than one piece, please fill out the form again for each piece.
Please use the form to submit your art by February 17, 2023. All art submitted after February 17, 2023, at 11:59 pm ET will be held for the next Night of Aphasia Arts event in 2024.
We are excited to see your art and to share it with our community in March.
If you have questions, please send them to Melissa at art@aphasia.org.
Once again, this is the submission form.