The NAA hears about many interesting supplemental therapies and tools for treating aphasia, including unique support groups, communication apps, and off-the-beaten-path therapies. There are books, podcasts, and videos that provide insight into the aphasia experience. There are organizations out there, beyond the NAA (of course), to help support people with aphasia. In other words, there are so much beyond speech therapy that can help you on your aphasia journey, and we want to spend 2019 delivering these ideas and services to your inbox.

Do You Have Something Interesting to Tell People About?

You’ve hopefully seen our 2018 series featuring our affiliates. We highlighted clinics across America, both to let people know about options in their area and to help the general public see what is out there when it comes to treating aphasia.

This next project aims to do something similar, but instead of highlighting clinics, we want to highlight:

  • Unique support and therapy groups: Do you run or belong to a book club that practices speech therapy through guided book discussion? Or a support group that discusses current events?
  • Off-the-beaten-path therapies: Do you run or belong to an aphasia chorus? Use music therapy in conjunction with speech therapy? Include acupuncture as part of your practice?
  • Aphasia blogs: We told you once about Blue Banana. We know other blogs are out there, whether they are a personal story or part of a clinic.
  • Aphasia books: Have you written a book about your aphasia experience?
  • YouTube videos or make movies: There are people talking about their experience in YouTube videos as well as films such as Still Sophie or My Beautiful Broken Brain.
  • Apps: Have you created an app that helps support people with aphasia?
  • Podcasts: Do you have an individual or group podcast about aphasia?
  • Organizations: Do you have an organization that provides next steps for individuals with aphasia after they’ve left speech therapy? Do you have an organization that supports people living with aphasia?
  • Anything else? We’re sure there are many great ideas and tools out there. We’re open to considering anything you have that supports people with aphasia.

Want to Be Included?

We will be highlighting all these support and experience features on our site, which receives over 90,000 visits per month, and our social media platforms, which have almost 19,000 total followers.

It helps to hear from the people who lead the group or who have created the tool since they have the most complete information. So if you have a book you love or an app you use, write the creator and send them a link to this post so they can enter and be featured.

We’ve once again created a form, but due to the diversity of the feature — from support groups to books and everything in between –, you may need to tweak a question or two to have your answer fit.

Fill out the form and hit submit, and then email 2 or 3 photos to Melissa at We’ll take it from there so people can find out about your supplemental group, tool, or organization. We promise to be in touch before we feature you on our site.

Image: Roberto Nickson via Unsplash