This for those who had a stroke…
a tribute to those who surged through
to those who made it happen
to those who stood on side and cheered
and those who silently prayed
To know that what was lost
was not mobility
or just the ability to..
talk or to walk
to think and to say
to feel but not express
to cry but not to shed
those tears that
stayed in the eyes
the voice that visited the black corridors
to emotions that looked for expression
but most of all to that being
that constructed an identity from a labyrinth
of thoughts lost
Of who are you
I wish I could tell you who am I….Archana Sinh

I am a carer for someone very special recovering from the fall out of stroke. Aphasia in its many forms has adopted us as a uninvited friend. I wrote the poem posted above last year, trying to understand the impact of Stroke. This year I have published two more poems in a collection of other unrelated to Aphasia poems through Amazon.

The link to my other poems is attached below. This collection has only 2 poems on Aphasia. I am still writing more to understand better…. of what happened to him.

My book is available for purchase here.