Our long-running Aphasia Threads series was the inspiration for this simple project bringing together people with aphasia, caregivers, and professionals around a question: Why are you a part of the aphasia community, and what do you get out of connecting with others through the NAA?
Each post weaves together all three viewpoints with a bonus contribution from board members for Aphasia Awareness Month (plus a little beyond). Celebrate our community and share your own answer to take part in this ongoing series.
Question: Why are you a part of the aphasia community, and what do you get out of connecting with others through the NAA?
I am a person with aphasia
Although a diagnosis is rare, I like that there are others navigating similar issues with PPA and sharing with the community. —Carla L.
I am a caregiver
Just joined and looking for information. —Chuck K
I am a professional who works with people who have aphasia
Working with the NAA gives me the unique perspective and humility to conduct research experiments that are going to be meaningful and useful for survivors with aphasia. Being part of this community inspires me to push the science forward. —Swathi Kiran, James and Cecilia Tse Ying Professor of Neurorehabilitation
I am an NAA board member
As a new board member and one with aphasia, I love the opportunity to talk with a range of people with aphasia and to be involved in the development of new and innovative programs which address the needs of our community. —Seth, NAA Board Member