Young Adult Aphasia Group
Program: Young Adult Aphasia Group Topic: A conversation group for adults under 50 who have aphasia Advisors: Kitti Tong and Katie Breece When: The first Monday of the month from … Continued
Program: Young Adult Aphasia Group Topic: A conversation group for adults under 50 who have aphasia Advisors: Kitti Tong and Katie Breece When: The first Monday of the month from … Continued
Program: Aphasia and Wellness Topic: Learn and share ideas about wellness and self-care for people with aphasia. Advisors: Katherine Noyes & Sharon Mosley When: One Thursday per … Continued
Join us for a guided meditation and conversation.
Program: Journey Through Speech Topic: Learn about travel and culture as we share facts, stories, and photos. Advisors: Craig Smith and Genevieve Richardson When: The first Friday of each month … Continued
Program: Primary Progressive Aphasia (PPA) Chats Topic: A supportive conversation about Primary Progressive Aphasia (PPA) Advisors: Becky Khayum, Lorraine Podolsky, Christie Carroll Duhigg, Natalie Douglas, Cindy Nichols, Kiiya Shibata When: … Continued
Join us for an evening support group for communication and care partners of people with primary progressive aphasia and primary progressive apraxia of speech (PPA/PPAOS). This is a space for … Continued
Program: Technology and Supports for Aphasia Group Topic: Learn about current technology available to support people with aphasia. Advisors: Brooke Lang and Bryn Bowles When: The second Tuesday of the … Continued
Program: Parenting with Aphasia Topic: We talk about what it’s like raising children while having aphasia. Advisor: Lauren Schwabish When: The second Wednesday of each month from 8-9pm EST Click … Continued