We're here for you
People with Aphasia
We provide resources, programming and a sense of community for people with aphasia.
Aphasia Caregivers
We're here to help you as you care for loved ones with aphasia. We have specific resources and content for aphasia caregivers.
Service Providers
List your services with the aphasia community in our provider directory, post research studies aimed at the aphasia community, and connect with other service providers working with people with aphasia.
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Provider Directory
Looking for a provider near you? Search our provider directory to find the right fit depending on your needs.
Online Events
Join our online events to connect with others with aphasia with similar interests, or to hear from experts about the latest in aphasia news and research.
Research Studies
Browse our list of research studies aimed at studying and serving those with aphasia.
Camps & Programs
Explore our list of aphasia camps and programs across the country.
Support Our Work
Fundraisers can be a great way to raise money for the NAA by reaching out to your own network and describing the importance of the NAA’s work in helping the aphasia community. They’re great options for life moments like birthdays or retirement.
Americans are affected by the communication disorder