Primary Progressive Aphasia (PPA) is a neurodegenerative condition that impacts the ability to speak, comprehend, read and write. It affects the parts of the brain responsible for language. A related issue, called Primary Progressive Apraxia of Speech (PPAOS) also makes speaking difficult. Both of these conditions can be very challenging for the person affected and their loved ones.
It’s important to learn about PPA and the support available through the NAA and other organizations. This knowledge can help you manage the condition better, find ways to communicate, and advocate for yourself. You are NOT alone.

NAA Information

The National Aphasia Association shares an informative video, descriptions and articles that may interest you. We are continuously adding to these sections so check back often to see what is new in the study and treatment of PPA.It's important to learn about PPA and the support available through the NAA and other organizations. This knowledge can help you manage the condition better, find ways to communicate, and advocate for yourself. You are NOT alone.

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PPA Chats

As we noted, you are not alone. Join the NAA PPA community by signing up for our PPA newsletter and for the PPA Chats that are offered twice a month.

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This is a very special section of our PPA page. We are honored to collaborate with programs all over the country and provide you and your family with resources, handouts and tools.

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