I am Matthew Weingartner and I live in New York.


I have had two major open heart surgeries. My first was when I was 18 years old in 2006 and my second at the age of 29 in 2017.


After my second surgery, I developed a blood bacteria infection and endocarditis of my heart valve. This resulted in me suffering a massive ischemic stroke on April 18, 2018, and I now live with Broca’s Aphasia.


I am still on the road to recovery, with tremendous support from my family and friends.


I am a spokesperson and advocate for those living with Aphasia.


With the help of our New York Senator, we passed a bill for June Aphasia Awareness Month all over New York State.


Additionally, the Nassau County Executive and a Suffolk County Legislator passed a proclamation to name June as Aphasia Awareness Month in both Nassau and Suffolk counties. Our local news channel, News 12, covered it!


I have a YouTube channel, “A Matter of Matt,” where I talk about my story and journey, all with the goal of inspiring others going through similar trials and tribulations.


In my free time, I also volunteer at the local hospital heart center and for the National Aphasia Association, which I am now a current board member.


I’m alive for a reason: To spread awareness and give hope to others!