Liberty Speech Associates LLC is a speech therapy practice in Washington, NJ.  It is conveniently located on Route 31 and accessible to families in Hunterdon, Morris, Sussex, and Warren Counties, as well as surrounding areas.  Services can be provided in the office or remotely via Zoom to New Jersey and Pennsylvania residents.

Services Offered

Both virtual and in person

Speech Therapy (Either Virtual or In Person)

Speech therapy helps people with aphasia to practice various communication skills (e.g., talking, listening, reading, writing). Medicare is accepted.

Monday-Thursday by appointment

Aphasia Communication Group (In Person)

Weekly conversation group for people with aphasia. Make new friends, practice your communication skills, and have fun. $10/person

Wednesdays at 12:45 pm EST

This provider is licensed to provide services, virtually or in person, in New Jersey and Pennsylvania

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