We’re continuing with our affiliate highlight series, this time turning our eye to Voices of Hope for Aphasia in St. Petersburg, Florida.
What Makes Voices of Hope for Aphasia Unique?
We are not a therapy program. We provide increased opportunities to practice speech, become involved in the community, community education, building relationships, and offering workshops to educate and provide resources to those with aphasia and their caregivers.
Great Success Stories
Kaley is 25 years old. She is living with the loss of her speech due to an unknown degenerative condition. This letter captures what Voices of Hope for Aphasia means to her, and to many of our other members.
You asked today why we come to VOH and what it does for us. Here is why I do and what it does for me. I got sick in September of 2004 one month before my 14th birthday. I’ve seen over 65 doctors and had every test known to man performed. Being sick at such a young age was very difficult. Kids weren’t always the nicest. Same with strangers: some would point, laugh, mock, stare and make jokes about me. My mom saw your car magnet on someone’s car and stopped them. That is how we found you. I’m very glad she did. My mom found Voices of Hope at a point where I had given up hope that anyone would understand me and what I was going through or that I’d have friends. Voices of Hope for Aphasia gave me hope again. It gave me great friends. It’s given me a safe place to be myself and a place where I’m not judged based on how well I can talk or walk or write.
They Love What They Do
We love providing unique and much-needed opportunities to people with aphasia to connect and communicate with others.
Services and Support Groups
We’re a community group with programs in two different locations currently. We provide a wide range of activities including current events, games, art classes, book club, gardening, movie group, short story group, music therapy with a certified music therapist, technology through our STARS program and more! We offer member support groups once a week and caregiver support groups twice a month. Plus, we have a caregiver support group that takes place twice a month.
More Information
We are not a therapy program. We’re a place where the voices of people living with aphasia are acknowledged, and we work to provide the communication bridges that will help people with aphasia do the things that are most important to them and take part in their own life.
Do you live in the St. Petersburg, Florida area? Contact the Voices of Hope for Aphasia for support services.
We’re spending 2018 highlighting our affiliates in order to make it easier for caregivers to find services for their loved ones.