The National Aphasia Association (NAA) was proud to join advocates across the country in an effort to Amplify Aphasia Voices throughout June, 2024!


As the designated month to build awareness, the NAA cultivated THREE major initiatives.  We’d like to share some of the outstanding outcomes!

Movie Monday Film Series


Every Monday throughout the month of June, a different film about aphasia was featured on a webinar platform by the NAA.  An average of 87 people joined the webinar each week with a total of 433 views of the films.  In addition to the impact of the productions themselves, in three of the cases, we were able to discuss the film live with the producers/directors and actors.


Some of the comments:


“So moving!”  “Beautiful and inspiring.”   “Thank you for sharing your story!”


Many people inquired about getting to watch the films on their own, as we did not record these webinar sessions.  Here you go: Movie Monday Films


We will continue to collect film projects related to aphasia and share all year long!

Library Showcase Project


The NAA was very excited to launch the first annual Library Showcase Project!  We encouraged participation in this unique and wide reaching aphasia awareness initiative.  The response and resulting impact could be appreciated all across the country!  The NAA provided a set of resources, example displays and posting ideas… People with aphasia, care partners, aphasia centers and universities did the rest!


A few comments we received about the project:


“The resources were so helpful. My local librarian asked for book recommendations and ordered 3 books about aphasia that I recommended!”


“The materials were excellent! … I felt it was important for everyone to get a heads up to understand Aphasia as well as the communication suggestions.”


Check out a few of the displays sent to us over the past month: Library Showcase Displays 

Ask the Expert:  Special Edition


The NAA swapped out our monthly Ask the Expert format for a special edition, called Frequently Asked Questions.  We tackled the many questions and concerns that folks have about aphasia.  You can watch the replay here:

Amplify Aphasia Voices:  Fundraisers!


The NAA’s 2024 theme allowed individuals an opportunity to honor those they loved and/or served.  Megaphones were personalized and posted on our Facebook and Instagram pages!


Check it out!




In addition to these megaphones, individuals started their own fundraisers to raise vital funds for the NAA.  Persons with aphasia and committee/board members alike started fundraising efforts on our own platform as well as on Facebook!


Check out this infographic on how YOU can help the NAA through this kind of fundraising (and raise awareness at the same time!!)



Amplify Aphasia Voices:  Podcasts!


The NAA was so excited to be offered opportunities to get the word out via podcasts that spanned regions, the country and even the world!


Check out a few of the awesome programs that invited the NAA to Amplify Aphasia Awareness:



Brain Friends:

Listen for Life Aphasia Podcast:


All in all, June 2024 was a wonderful month of awareness and advocacy.  With your help, engagement and investment, we Amplified Aphasia Voices and we aren’t done yet!!


Thank you!!!


For questions/comments/ideas, email