2 million people in the United States have aphasia, but 84.5% of Americans state that they’ve never heard the term “aphasia.” This fact needs to change immediately to pave the way for better communication experiences for people living with aphasia. Get ready because it’s time for Aphasia Awareness Month.


We need everyone to talk about aphasia for the next 30 days. We’ve created this short animation to give a brief overview of aphasia and how to best communicate with people who have aphasia.

We’d love 2 million people to see this video and gain a basic understanding of aphasia. Will you help us spread our message?

Spread the Message

Please help us spread our animation about aphasia. We’ve made it simple. All you need to do is click on the image below to go directly to our Facebook or Twitter post. Once you’re there, hit “share” or “retweet” and you’re done!

click to add video to Facebook

click to add video to Twitter

Or, if you have more time, you can cut-and-paste the following onto your favorite social media platform:

#TalkAboutAphasia by talking with people who have aphasia. Learn more and help @NatAphasiaAssoc spread #aphasiaawareness: http://bit.ly/2s8erog

Either option gets the word out there, so encourage your friends and family to keep spreading the video and message. We need to get the words outside the aphasia community to that 84.5%. Our goal is to have the message reach at least 2 million people.

Pair Words with an Image

We’ve also created an image if you’d rather upload that to visually-oriented sites such as Instagram or Pinterest. Feel free to download it to your computer and use it wherever you like:

June is Aphasia Awareness Month

Researchers found that tweets paired with images get 150% more retweets. Feel free to use the image with your tweet or Facebook status update because we’re trying to get these words out there.

Special for Aphasia Awareness Month

This month, we’re increasing our newsletter publishing schedule to every week for the month of June. We’ll be covering local aphasia events and programming.

Plus we’re rolling out four posts specifically for caregivers this month. The National Aphasia Association wants to support your hard work because everyone with aphasia needs a good team by their side.

Welcome to Aphasia Awareness Month. Please help us spread the video and message, and let’s increase the number of people who know about aphasia so we can generate more understanding in this world.