We’re continuing with our affiliate highlight series, this time turning our eye to Stroke and Aphasia Recovery (STAR) Program in Lubbock, Texas.
What Makes the Stroke and Aphasia Recovery (STAR) Program Unique?
We are a community outreach program affiliated with a health sciences center. Our program is funded through donations and an endowment. At this time, we do not charge members a fee for joining.
Great Success Stories
We love watching people meet and connect with others who have experienced something similar and wish to participate in life again.
Services and Support Groups
At this time, we have weekly small group meetings (10 groups total, including a caregivers network) from September through May of each year. Group members set their own life participation goals and support each other in working to achieve those goals. During the month of June, we have a 2-week day summer arts program that involves choir, theater, and/or art classes.
Special Services for Caregivers
We also have a caregivers network that meets weekly from September through May of each year.
Last Thoughts
We have recently added small groups for right hemisphere stroke survivors as well as persons with Primary Progressive Aphasia.
More Information
Do you live in the Lubbock, Texas area? Contact the Stroke and Aphasia Recovery (STAR) Program for speech services and support groups.
We’re spending 2018 highlighting our affiliates in order to make it easier for caregivers to find services for their loved ones. Are you an affiliate of the NAA and would like to be highlighted in a future installment? Please fill out the form and we’ll contact you.